You just poured everything you’ve got into your proposal, venture capital pitch, resume or new product launch. You’ve attached it to an email addressed to the right person. Before you hit the “send” button, consider this sobering thought: You face some stiff competition to even get your message opened.

We each receive about 75 non-spam emails a day , according to the Radicati Group, a Palo Alto research firm that tracks email volume. Virtually no one reads all of them – we just don’t have time. How well your message stacks up against everything else in the recipient’s inbox could make the difference between whether or not you land an interview, win an initial round of funding or book a new project.

Here are some ways to increase the odds that your emails will grab readers and compel them to take action.

1. Get personal. One of the first things readers check before opening an email is who sent it. Unless you’re a major brand like Amazon, make sure the first and last name of the most visible person in your company shows up in the “From” line; you can add your company name after that person’s name. Likewise, personalize your email by addressing the recipient by name.

2. Use a compelling subject line. Many email recipients decide whether to open a message based on the subject line alone. Try to mention the benefit to your reader in the subject line. Avoid spam triggers like “free” or exclamation points.

3. Make the “pre-header” count. This is that little sentence, in a super-small font, that appears at the tippy-top of your email, often along with the “View this email in your browser” link. On mobile devices, it’s often the first sentence your reader sees after opening your email. Examples include: “See our summer-ready styles,” or “Today’s special is a printer. See it now.”

4. Orient yourself to mobile devices. Over 50% of emails are now read on a mobile device. Two tips here: the first four words or 50 characters of your subject line are the most important since that’s all mobile readers will see, so frontload the most important words in your subject line. You can use programs such as Litmus to preview how your subject line renders across a range of email programs and devices.

5. Hook your reader with the opener. Options include: sharing an anecdote, a quote or a shocking statistic; asking a question; or describing one of your reader’s most pressing concerns or goals. Whichever method you choose, get to the point quickly.

6. Focus on your reader. The rest of your message should briefly elaborate about what you can offer the reader. It should answer the question, “What will your reader get or experience by responding?”

7. Include a call-to-action. Explain what you want the reader to do next. (For example, Save Now, Sign Up Now, Join, Shop, Donate, Register, Learn More, Get Started, Share This, Watch Video.) Have only one call-to-action per email, but include it in at least three places. Depending on your message, you can do it with text, links, buttons or a combination.

8. Segment your list. Even when you’re sending a blast email, it’s better not to send exactly the same pitch to everyone on your list. Instead, divide it into target markets – for example, based on interests, locale or spending habits.Interview